Current status
Pond novel is at 160 pages (if you’re paying close attention, you’ll note that I missed my 10 pages last week).
Coming off eight days of no school (sickness + midwinter break) (may or may not be related to drafting at half-speed).
Dreaming of a weekend getaway to the Pioneer Valley (research!) or maybe a group writing retreat upstate…
Tried to go to a reading at the Center for Fiction with my friend Sara on Wednesday but it was sold out and so instead we got tacos at Tacombi.
Listening to Catherine House on audio to get into that literary thriller headspace and it’s so engrossing that yesterday I got on the wrong train not once but twice.
Prepping for an author interview and I always forget how much time goes into these things but I loved the book so much that it’s 100% worth it.
Cobbling together my AWP schedule — will you be there? Which off-sites are we going to? Where are we getting beers? Dinner? My DMs are open.
And I am thinking about this heartleaf philodendron I brought home two years ago, around the time I started to work on the glass house novel in earnest, around the time I began this newsletter.

I repotted it this morning. It had outgrown its container. There’s some metaphor here for the novel and time and growth and I’m missing it, but this plant has brought me so much joy, and I have propagated it and the apartment now has many philodendrons.